ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Thomas(ine) Hall

Thomas(ine) Hall is a person who lived many years ago. Some people say Thomas(ine) Hall was a man who dressed like a woman, while others say Thomas(ine) Hall was always a woman but had a name that sounded like a man's name.

Thomas(ine) Hall lived during a time when it was not common for people to dress or act differently from what was expected based on their gender. But Thomas(ine) Hall didn't let that stop them from being true to themselves. They dressed and acted in a way that made them feel happy and comfortable.

Even though some people didn't understand or accept Thomas(ine) Hall, they still found a way to live their life the way they wanted to. Thomas(ine) Hall is an important figure in history because they showed that it's okay to be different and that everyone should be accepted and respected for who they are.