ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Thread level parallelism

Okay, let me try to explain thread level parallelism in a way that a 5-year-old would understand!

Have you ever seen a group of people trying to get something done, like building a big castle made of blocks? Each person might have a specific job, like building the walls or stacking the blocks. If they all work together and do their jobs at the same time, they can finish building the castle much faster than if only one person does everything.

This is kind of like what happens with thread level parallelism. When a computer has a big job to do, like running a program or doing a complicated calculation, it can break that job into smaller parts called threads. Each thread can do a specific part of the job. Just like with the people building the castle, if all the threads work together at the same time, they can finish the job much faster than if only one thread does everything.

This is because the computer has multiple processors that can handle different threads at the same time. Just like each person building the castle could work on their individual part, the processors in the computer can work on each thread at the same time. This is called parallelism, because multiple things are happening at the same time.

So, thread level parallelism is when a computer breaks a big job into smaller parts called threads, and uses multiple processors to work on those threads at the same time. This makes the computer much faster and more efficient!