ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Threefold office

When you go to school, there are different people who help you learn and grow in different ways. Your teacher teaches you new things, your principal keeps everything organized and your counselor helps you with your feelings and problems.

In the same way, in the Christian church, there are three different jobs or roles that people have. These roles are called the threefold office.

The first role is a prophet. A prophet is someone who listens to God's voice and then shares His message with others. This can be done through teaching, preaching, or even personal conversations. Prophets help us understand what God wants us to do and how to live our lives according to His plan.

The second role is a priest. A priest helps connect people to God. In the Old Testament, priests offered sacrifices on behalf of the people to God. In the New Testament, Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice so that we didn't need to offer sacrifices anymore. Now, priests help people understand how Jesus connects us to God through His death and resurrection. They also offer prayers and spiritual guidance to help us grow closer to God.

The third role is a king. A king leads and protects his people. In the same way, a Christian leader or king helps guide and guard the church, making sure that everyone is safe and cared for. This includes making decisions about how the church operates and helping to resolve conflicts that may arise.

So, the threefold office consists of prophets who help us understand God's message, priests who help us connect with God, and kings who lead and protect the church. It's all about helping people grow in their faith and become closer to God.