ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Thriae are a type of insect that look a bit like bees. They have a similar shape and body structure, but with some key differences. Thriae are much larger than bees, with long bodies and large wings. They are also often a bright, metallic color - like shiny gold or silver.

Thriae live in large groups, called colonies, just like bees do. They build intricate nests from mud and other materials, which can look a bit like pieces of art. Inside these nests, the thriae care for their babies, who are called larvae. They feed them with a special kind of food that they make themselves.

Thriae are very important for the environment because they are pollinators. This means they help plants make more seeds and grow more food. They do this by carrying pollen from one flower to another on their bodies. They are especially good at pollinating fruit trees, which we rely on for many different types of food.

While thriae are important and interesting insects, it's important to remember that they are still wild animals. It's not safe to touch or disturb them, just like with bees. But if you see a thriae buzzing around, you can appreciate how special and important they are for the world around us.