ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tico Robot

Hey, kiddo! Let's talk about Tico, the robot. Tico is a special robot that is designed to help kids like you learn how to code.

Firstly, coding is a way of giving instructions to a computer or robot on what to do. Kind of like telling your little brother or sister to pick up a toy and put it away. Tico helps you understand coding by making it fun and interactive.

When you get a Tico robot, you can use a touchscreen to give Tico instructions on what to do. This could be things like moving forward, turning left or right, or even dancing! You can also use a special block-based interface to create more complicated instructions for Tico.

Tico also has a special camera that can help it recognize objects in the real world, like colors or shapes. You can use this feature to create games where Tico has to find objects and bring them back to you.

Finally, Tico can be personalized with different accessories like costumes or hats. This means you can make Tico look however you want!

So in summary, Tico is a fun and interactive robot that can help kids like you learn how to code by giving instructions and recognizing objects in the real world.