ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of Croatian history

Croatian history is a very long and complicated story, but I will try to explain it simply like you are 5 years old.

Long, long ago, before you were born, Croatia was not even a country yet! Many different people lived in the area that we now call Croatia, like the Illyrians and the Romans.

In the 7th century, a tribe called the Croats migrated to the area and settled there. This is where the name "Croatia" comes from! The Croats were very brave and strong people, and they managed to fight off many invaders who tried to take over their land.

Over time, different kings and rulers came to power in Croatia, and they fought many wars to protect their country from enemies. One of the most famous kings was King Tomislav, who ruled in the early 10th century.

In the 15th century, the Ottoman Empire conquered much of Croatia, and the people had to fight hard to gain their freedom back. Finally, in the 19th century, Croatia became part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

During World War One, Croatia became part of Yugoslavia, a country made up of many different regions. After World War Two, Yugoslavia became a communist country, and Croatia was one of its six republics.

In the 1990s, Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia, and this led to a war between the two countries. Thankfully, the war ended in 1995, and Croatia became a sovereign nation.

Today, Croatia is a beautiful country with many wonderful cities and natural wonders. It is a member of the European Union and the United Nations, and it continues to grow and thrive.