ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of Indonesian history

Okay kiddo, let's travel through time to learn about the history of Indonesia!

A long, long time ago, there were people called the Austronesians who sailed from China and Taiwan to settle in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. They were the first people to live in the islands of Indonesia.

Fast forward to the 4th century AD, there was a kingdom called Tarumanegara in West Java. They had a fancy capital city with temples and palaces, and they were really good at trading with other kingdoms like China and India.

In the 8th century AD, another kingdom emerged called Srivijaya. They were really powerful and controlled trade in the region. They built a lot of important ports and cities, including Palembang and Jambi.

In the 13th century AD, there was a powerful kingdom called Majapahit in Java. They were known for their strong military, and they conquered a lot of other kingdoms. They also built impressive temples and palaces, such as the famous Borobudur temple.

In the 16th century AD, the Portuguese arrived in Indonesia to trade, but then they became more interested in taking over territory. They built some forts in certain areas, like Malacca and Timor, but they were eventually kicked out by the Dutch.

Speaking of the Dutch, in the 17th century AD, they began to colonize Indonesia. They were very interested in the spice trade, which was very profitable at the time, so they established a monopoly in the region. They ruled over Indonesia for over 300 years.

During World War II in the 1940s, Japan invaded Indonesia and took over from the Dutch. They ruled for three years, but eventually they were defeated by the Allies and Indonesia declared independence in 1945.

In the following years, Indonesia had to figure out how to govern itself and build a new nation. They also had to deal with some internal conflicts and separatist movements. Today, Indonesia is a diverse nation with many cultures and languages, and it has grown to become a regional powerhouse.