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Timeline of Portuguese history

Portuguese history is a long and interesting one, full of lots of adventures and discoveries! It all began a long time ago when Portuguese people started living in the area that is now Portugal.

The first documented inhabitants of the area were called Celts, and they lived during the Iron Age, from 800 BC to 600 BC. Around 600 BC, these Celts were replaced by a people called the Lusitanians. The Lusitanians were a powerful group and fought back against the Romans who tried to conquer their land.

In the year 711, a group of people called the Moors invaded Portugal and took control. They stayed in power until the early 1100s. During this time, the Moors built strong defenses and put in place laws that protected different religions and cultures. Portugal was allowed to keep its unique language and culture during this time.

In 1143, a Christian army from northern Europe, called the Crusaders, defeated the Moors and Portugal became an independent country. Over the next few centuries, Portugal grew in power and wealth and European explorers like Christopher Columbus were funded by the Portuguese to explore new lands.

In 1777, Portugal started to become an empire, with colonies in Asia, Africa, South America and the Caribbean. But this period of growth would soon be interrupted by the Napoleonic Wars. During this time, Napoleon tried to conquer Portugal, but the Portuguese people fought hard and eventually defeated him.

The 19th century became known as a period of peace and prosperity, and during this time Portugal built strong alliances with other European nations, as well as its colonies. This period ended in 1910 when the monarchy in Portugal was overthrown, and a second republic was declared.

In 1926 the country became a dictatorship, and in 1932 the country became a fascist state. This period of fascism in Portugal ended in 1974 when the people staged a revolution and Portugal became a democracy.

Since then, Portugal has grown and developed, joining the European Union in 1986. Today, Portugal is a vibrant and modern country, with a rich culture and history.