ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of evolution

Imagine a big clock that goes tick-tock all the time. This clock has been ticking for a very long time, like millions and millions of years long. This clock shows us the timeline of evolution or how living things have changed and adapted over these millions of years.

At the beginning of this clock, there were no living things on earth. It was just a big rock floating in space. But eventually, the first living things, like tiny bacteria, appeared on earth. This happened a really long time ago, even before dinosaurs lived.

As time went on and the clock kept ticking, new and different kinds of living things started to appear. Some of them were single-celled organisms, meaning they were just one tiny cell, while others were more complex, like fish, birds, and mammals.

As more time passed and the clock kept ticking, these living things started to change and adapt to their environments. Some grew new features that helped them survive, like longer necks to reach high leaves or stronger wings to fly better. Those that were better adapted to their environments were more likely to survive and have babies, passing on their helpful features to their offspring.

This process continued for millions and millions of years, and now today we have a huge variety of living things, like humans, elephants, bees, and trees! And this all happened because of the timeline of evolution, where living things changed and adapted over a really long time so they could survive and thrive in different environments.