ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of human prenatal development

When a mommy and daddy love each other very much, a tiny cell called a sperm from the daddy and a tiny egg from the mommy come together to make a baby. This happens inside the mommy’s body.

The first two weeks after the sperm meets the egg is called the germinal stage. The fertilized egg travels down the mommy’s fallopian tube and turns into a ball of cells called a blastocyst. It then attaches to the mommy’s uterus wall and starts to grow tiny blood vessels that will bring it nutrients and oxygen.

The next stage is called the embryonic stage, which lasts from weeks three to eight. During this time, the tiny baby starts to grow different parts of its body such as the head, arms, legs, and heart. It also starts to develop important organs and systems like the brain, spine, lungs, and digestive system. At this stage, the baby looks like a small tadpole.

Between weeks nine to 12, the baby enters the fetal stage. This is when it starts to look like a tiny human! The baby’s features become more defined, and it starts to move around a lot. Its heart also starts to beat stronger and faster. This is the stage where the baby can start to suck its thumb and make facial expressions!

From weeks 13 to 24, the baby continues to grow and develop. Its organs and systems start to work together, and the baby starts to gain weight. At this stage, the mommy can also start to feel the baby moving around inside her tummy!

From weeks 25 to 36, the baby is almost ready to be born. It keeps getting bigger and stronger, and its brain starts to develop more rapidly. The baby also starts to practice breathing, even though it’s still getting oxygen from the mommy through the umbilical cord.

Finally, between weeks 37 to 40, the baby is full term and ready to be born! It’s very close to its final size and weight and is just waiting for the signal to come out into the world. This is when mommy starts packing her hospital bag!