ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of prime ministers of Great Britain and the United Kingdom

Okay kiddo, so you know that there's a country called Great Britain and another one called the United Kingdom, right? Well, both are countries made up of different parts, like England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. And all of these parts are ruled by one person who is called the prime minister.

Now, the first prime minister of Great Britain was a man named Sir Robert Walpole. He became the prime minister in 1721 and he stayed in power for a very long time- 20 years! That's like being the leader of your school for two whole decades.

After him, many other people became prime ministers of Great Britain, some for a very short time and others for a longer time. Some of them were famous and did great things like Winston Churchill who was the prime minister during World War II.

But then, in 1801, Great Britain joined with another country called Ireland to form the United Kingdom. And after that, there were even more prime ministers who ruled over the whole Kingdom.

Some of these prime ministers were really important, like Margaret Thatcher who was the first woman ever to become the prime minister of the United Kingdom. She did some big changes to the country, like making it more capitalist, but not everyone liked her ideas.

And then there was Tony Blair, who was prime minister for ten years and he did some things that some people loved and some people hated, like joining the war in Iraq.

So that's the timeline of prime ministers of Great Britain and the United Kingdom, kiddo. Lots of people have held the position and made decisions that affected the whole country, and some have been remembered for a long time after they left office.