Okay, let's imagine that programming languages are like different types of toys you can play with. Just like how you start with simple toys like blocks or dolls, programming also started with simple languages.
First, there was a language called "Fortran" that was created in the 1950s. It was like building blocks where you could tell the computer what to do by writing out simple commands.
Then, people wanted to create more complex programs and they created "C" in the 1970s. Think of it like a toy that has lots of different parts and you can put them together in different ways to make cool things.
As computers became more powerful and people wanted to build bigger things, they created "Java" in the 1990s. This was like a big toy set with lots of different tools and parts to make really complicated and advanced things.
And today, we have lots of different programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby. It's like having a whole bunch of different types of toys to play with, each with their strengths and weaknesses.
But just like how you still play with your older toys sometimes, people still use languages like Fortran and C today because they are good at certain things, even though they may not be as fancy as the newer toys.