ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of the New Zealand environment

Alright kiddo, let's take a journey back in time to see how the environment in New Zealand has changed over a looong time.

A really long time ago, before anyone even lived in New Zealand, the environment was very different from what we see today. There were no trees or plants, just rocks, and ice! This was because the Earth was going through a really cold time called the Ice Age.

But after many, many years, the climate started to change and it became warmer. Then, different kinds of trees and plants started to grow in New Zealand. The first trees were probably the giant kauri trees, which can grow up to 50 meters tall! These trees are very old and some of them could be over 2000 years old.

Then, about 1000 years ago, people from other parts of the world started to come to New Zealand. They were Polynesians and they called the new land Aotearoa. They started to change the environment by clearing some of the trees to make room for their villages and gardens. They also brought animals like dogs, pigs, and rats, which changed the ecosystem by eating the plants and animals that were already there.

Finally, when Europeans came to New Zealand in the 18th century, they started to change the environment too. They cut down even more trees to make room for farms and cities. They brought many more animals like sheep, cows, and horses, which changed the environment even more by eating more plants and changing the soil.

Today, people in New Zealand are working hard to protect the environment and make sure it stays healthy for future generations. They are planting more trees, restoring wetlands, and protecting endangered species. By taking care of the environment, we can make sure it stays beautiful and healthy for many years to come!