ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of the gunpowder age in South Asia

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, people in South Asia didn't have guns. They didn't have bullets or grenades either. But then, they discovered something called "gunpowder." Gunpowder is a special mixture of chemicals that can create a big explosion when it's lit on fire.

At first, people in South Asia used gunpowder to make fireworks and for other fun things like that. But then, they realized that gunpowder could also be used to make guns and other weapons.

So, during the next few centuries, people in South Asia started to make big improvements in their guns and gunpowder. They made guns that were more powerful and more accurate. They made gunpowder that was more explosive.

By the 1700s, people in South Asia were using guns, bullets, grenades, and other weapons all the time. They were using them in wars with other countries, to protect themselves from enemies, and even for hunting.

But, as time went on, people in South Asia started to realize that guns and gunpowder weren't always the best option. There were other ways to protect themselves and hunt for food. And so, while Guns and gunpowder still exist and are still used to this day, it's not the only option people depend on anymore.