ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of the release and transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, in the year 2002, the United States opened a prison at Guantanamo Bay, which is a special place in Cuba that belongs to the United States. They put people in the prison who they thought were dangerous and might hurt other people. Over many years, lots of different people were put in the prison, but some of them were innocent and didn't deserve to be there.

In 2007, some people started talking about how the United States should close the prison down and let the people go. But other people said that the people in the prison were still dangerous and shouldn't be let go because they might hurt other people in the future.

Over the next few years, the United States started to release some of the people who were in the prison. They did this for lots of different reasons, like if they found out that the person was innocent or if they thought that the person wasn't as dangerous as they originally thought.

In 2016, there were still around 60 people left in the prison. President Obama, who was the president at the time, wanted to close the prison down before he finished being the president. He started to release more people from the prison, but he found it very difficult because some countries didn't want to take the people from the prison and some people in the United States didn't want them to come to live near them.

In the end, Obama wasn't able to close the prison down before he finished being the president. When President Trump became the president, he said that he didn't want to release any more people from the prison and that he wanted to keep it open. So, for now, the prison is still open, and some people are still inside even though they might not be dangerous or might not have done anything wrong.