ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of volcanism on Earth

Okay kiddo, let me explain the timeline of volcanism on earth in a simple way.

You know that the earth has a lot of rocks and mountains, right? Well, some of these mountains are actually volcanoes! They look like big cones and when they erupt, they shoot up hot lava, ash, and gases into the air.

Volcanism on earth started more than 4 billion years ago, which is a really, really long time ago, way before humans existed. Back then, the earth was very different than it is today. Have you heard of the supercontinent called Pangaea? That's what the earth looked like a long time ago.

Volcanoes have been erupting throughout the history of the earth. In fact, you can find lots of old volcanoes that are now extinct (which means they don't erupt anymore) all over the world. Some of these volcanoes used to be very active and erupt a lot, like the ones in Hawaii.

Scientists study volcanoes to learn more about the earth and how it has changed over time. By looking at the rocks and minerals inside the volcanoes, they can tell how old they are and how long ago they erupted. They can also use special tools to measure how much gas and ash is coming out of the volcano to make sure it's safe for people and animals nearby.

So, in summary, volcanism on earth has been happening for more than 4 billion years and continues to happen today. Volcanoes are interesting and important to study to learn more about the earth's history and to keep people safe.