ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of women in warfare in the United States since 2000

Since the year 2000, there have been many women who wanted to help protect the United States. Some of them chose to become soldiers, which means they were trained to use weapons and fight in wars. But it hasn't always been easy for women to become soldiers, and some people have not been sure if they should allow women to fight in battles.

At first, some people thought that women should not be allowed to serve in certain jobs in the military because they were afraid women would not be strong enough or might get hurt. But over time, people have started to realize that women can be just as brave, smart, and strong as men, and that they should be allowed to have the same opportunities as men.

In 2013, the Pentagon (which is a big organization that helps the military run) decided that women should be allowed to serve in combat roles, which means they can fight on the front lines alongside men. This was a big change, and it opened up a lot of new opportunities for women who wanted to serve in the military.

Since then, many women have served in combat roles and have shown that they can be just as tough and brave as men. Some of them have even received special awards and honors for their bravery and service.

Overall, the timeline of women in warfare in the United States since 2000 shows that women have made a lot of progress in being allowed to serve in the military and having the same opportunities as men. However, there is still more work to be done to make sure that women are treated fairly and are given the same chances for success as men.