ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes we go on vacation and stay in a hotel room? Well a timeshare is kind of like owning a teeny tiny piece of a hotel room that you can use every year for vacation.

There are lots of people who want to go on vacation to the same place every year, so they buy a timeshare. When they buy a timeshare, they get to use that hotel room for a certain week or two every year, and that same week every year, forever!

So let’s say your family really loves going to the beach every summer. They could buy a timeshare in a hotel near the beach and then they can go there every year at the same time.

But owning a timeshare is not just like having a regular hotel room. You have to pay money to own it, and you also have to pay a yearly fee to keep using it. And, if you ever get bored of going to the same place every year, it’s really hard to sell your timeshare and get your money back.

So, a timeshare is like buying a really small piece of a hotel room that you can use for vacation every year at the same time, but it can be expensive and hard to sell if you change your mind.