ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timestamp-based concurrency control

Timestamp-based concurrency control is a way for computers to make sure that multiple people or programs aren't trying to change the same thing at the same time. Think of it like a playground: if two kids want to use the same slide, they might get in each other's way and someone could get hurt. Timestamp-based concurrency control is like a system of traffic lights that helps the kids take turns safely.

In computer terms, each transaction (like a person going down the slide) is given a timestamp, which is a unique number that shows when it started. The computer keeps track of all the timestamps and uses them to figure out which transactions can happen at the same time and which need to wait their turn.

For example, if two people try to change the same piece of information at exactly the same time, the computer will look at their timestamps and see which one started first. The one with the earlier timestamp will get to make their change first, and the other one will have to wait until they're done.

This helps prevent conflicts and ensures that everyone's changes are recorded properly. It's like making sure that each kid on the playground gets a fair turn on the slide.
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