ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tiny Planets

Tiny planets are very small objects in space that go around the sun just like Earth and other larger planets. They are also called dwarf planets because they are much smaller than the full-sized planets. They are not very important because they don't have a big impact on our daily lives.

One of these tiny planets is called Pluto. Pluto used to be considered a planet but now it is called a dwarf planet because it is not big enough to be a real planet. It's about the same size as some of the moons in our solar system.

There are other small planets too. For example, there is a dwarf planet called Ceres which is in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. This means it is not very far away from us. Another dwarf planet is called Haumea, and it is shaped like a potato!

Overall, tiny planets are just like bigger planets, but they are not as big and they don't have as much going on. They are just like the little brothers and sisters of the solar system.