ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tissue stress

Okay, imagine you have a toy made out of a stretchy material, like a rubber band or a piece of elastic. If you pull on it gently, nothing much happens. But if you pull on it really hard, it might start to feel like it's going to snap! That's because the material is experiencing something called "stress."

Now, people's bodies are made up of lots and lots of little "toys" like this - we call them tissues. When we move around, our tissues are constantly being stretched and pulled in different ways. Sometimes, that's a good thing! Our muscles need to stretch in order to keep us flexible and strong. But if something goes wrong, like if we suddenly make too quick a movement or lift something too heavy, it can cause too much stress for our tissues to handle.

So if you ever hear someone talking about "tissue stress," they're basically just talking about the way that our body's tissues can get damaged if they're put under too much strain. It's important to be careful and not overdo it when we're exercising or doing other physical activities, so we don't hurt ourselves!
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