ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Tlaloc was a god who some people believed in a long, long time ago in a place called Mesoamerica. He was a very important god because he was in charge of rain. You know how sometimes it can be really hot and dry outside, and you wish it would rain? Tlaloc was the one who could make that happen!

People thought Tlaloc was really powerful, and they wanted to make sure he was happy so he would send rain to their crops. They would build temples to him and even give him presents, like toys, flowers, and even people as sacrifices!

Tlaloc was sometimes shown as having bright blue skin and wearing a crown made of feathers. He also had big round eyes that looked a little scary to some people. But he was mostly thought of as a good god who helped people by sending rain when they really needed it.

Even though people don't really believe in Tlaloc anymore, we can still learn from the stories about him and understand how important water is to us all. And we can be thankful that we don't need to sacrifice toys or people to make it rain!