ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

To Demonstrate How Spiders Fly

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a spider fly? It's actually not really flying like a bird or a butterfly. They don't have wings like those animals do. Instead, they use a little trick to soar through the air.

First, let's talk about what spiders do have. They have something called a "balloon." No, not the kind you play with outside. It's a tiny little sac full of air. Spiders use this balloon to help them float in the air.

To make their balloon, spiders do something pretty clever. They crawl up to the top of a tall tree or some other high spot. Then, they stand on their tip-toes and stick their butts in the air. Yes, you heard me right, their butts!

From their butt, they shoot out a thin string of silk, almost like a spider web. But instead of making a flat web, they just shoot out one strand. Then, they let go of the tree or whatever they were holding onto and let the wind carry them away.

The silk strand acts like a parachute, lifting the spider into the air. And because the spider is so lightweight, it can float for miles like this! It's really quite amazing.

So, in a way, spiders don't really fly like birds or butterflies. But they have their own special way of soaring and traveling long distances. Who would have thought our eight-legged friends could be so cool?