ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Toe (automotive)

Ok kiddo, let's talk about toes, but not the kind you wiggle on your feet. In cars, we use the word "toe" to describe the angle that the wheels are pointing towards or away from each other. When the wheels are perfectly straight, they have zero toe.

Now imagine you are holding a toy car in front of you with its wheels facing you. If the front of the wheels are pointed towards each other, like they are about to give each other a hug, we call that "toe-in". If the front of the wheels are pointed away from each other, like they don't really like each other very much, we call that "toe-out".

Toe is important because it affects how the car handles and how its tires wear out. Too much toe-in or toe-out can cause the car to pull to one side, or make the tires wear out unevenly. So, when we want to make sure our car drives smoothly and evenly, we need to make sure the toe is set just right!