ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tomoyuki Yamashita

Tomoyuki Yamashita was a man from Japan who was a very important person in World War II. He was a general in the Japanese army and he led his soldiers in many important battles during the war.

However, something very bad happened and he was known for something that was not good. He was responsible for a very terrible thing called the Manila Massacre. In this event, many innocent people were killed and it was very sad.

Because of this, Yamashita was put on trial after the war was over. He was found guilty and he was punished for what he did. Some people think that he was punished too harshly, but others think that it was fair.

So, even though Yamashita did many important things during his time in the army, he also did some very bad things and had to face the consequences for his actions.