ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Top, bottom, switch

Okay kiddo, imagine you and a friend are playing a game and you both want to take turns being in charge. That's kind of like being a "top" or a "bottom" in a relationship. The top is the one who takes charge, leads the way, and maybe does most of the physical stuff. The bottom is the one who follows along, lets the top take charge, and maybe enjoys being more passive.

But sometimes, you might want to switch roles! That means you and your friend switch turns being the "top" or the "bottom." And sometimes, some people might want to do both at different times - that's called being a "switch."

So, just like taking turns being the leader in a game, some grown-ups like to take turns being the "top" or "bottom" in their relationships or during certain activities. And some might even like to switch things up sometimes! It's all about figuring out what feels good and right for you and your partner.
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