ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Topdog vs. underdog

Okay kiddo, have you ever played with a friend and pretended to be a superhero or a princess? Well, sometimes in those games, one of you might be the 'topdog' and the other one the 'underdog.'

Topdog means the one who is stronger, smarter, or more popular, while underdog means the one who may not be as strong, smart, or popular as the other one.

Now, outside of pretend games, this can happen in real life, too. For example, if there's a football match between two teams, one team might be the topdog because they have won a lot of games before and everyone thinks they're better. The other team would be the underdog because people don't expect them to win.

But sometimes, the underdog can surprise everyone and win despite all the odds stacked against them. That's what makes it so exciting to watch or play games like that!