ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me explain what torc means. Torc is a special kind of necklace that was worn by people a long, long time ago. It was usually made of metal and had a round shape that went around the neck.

Now, the torc wasn't just any regular necklace. It was a symbol of power and wealth. Only the important people like kings, queens, and warriors were allowed to wear it. It was kind of like a badge that showed other people who was in charge or who was really strong.

Some torcs were really fancy and had lots of decorations on them, like swirls or designs from nature. Other torcs were more plain and simple, but were still made of shiny metals like gold or silver.

So, that's what a torc is! It's a special necklace that was important to people a long time ago and was a way to show off their power and wealth.