ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Toriyama Sekien

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of Toriyama Sekien? He was a very famous painter who lived a long time ago in Japan. He loved to paint pictures of monsters and spirits and things that scared people.

Now, Japan is a country known for having a lot of legends and stories about magical creatures. And Toriyama Sekien was really good at painting these creatures so that people could see what they looked like.

Some of the creatures he painted were called kappa. They were like little water monsters with bowls on their heads. People said if you saw a kappa, you should bow to it because it was actually polite and respectful.

Another creature he painted was the tengu. This was a kind of bird-man with a long nose. People said the tengu were very powerful and could do magic.

Toriyama Sekien painted all kinds of monsters and spirits like these, and his paintings became very famous. People loved to look at them and imagine what it would be like to actually see these creatures.

Even though Toriyama Sekien lived over 200 years ago, his paintings are still famous today. People still love to look at his pictures and learn about all the cool monsters and spirits that he painted.