ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Toronto subway and RT signals

Okay kiddo, so do you know what the Toronto subway is? It's a big train system that runs underground and takes people all around the city. And do you know what signals are? They are like traffic lights that tell the train driver when it's safe to go and when they need to stop.

The signals on the Toronto subway and RT are really important because they help keep everyone safe. Whenever a train is moving, it needs to make sure there isn't another one in front of it or coming towards it. That's where the signals come in - they give the train driver directions on when to slow down, when to stop, and when to keep going.

The signals use different colors of lights to tell the driver what to do. For example, there might be a red light that means "stop" and a green light that means "go". The driver has to pay really close attention to these signals so they don't crash into another train.

Signals are also really important for communication between the trains and the control room. The people who work in the control room can see where all the trains are on a big map and they use the signals to talk to the drivers. If there's a problem, they can use the signals to tell the drivers what to do.

So there you have it, signals on the Toronto subway and RT are like traffic lights that tell the train driver where to go and when to stop, so everyone can stay safe.