ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, imagine you have a piece of dough that you can roll out and shape into different things. One of these shapes is called a torus.

A torus is like a circle that has been stretched out and bent around to form a donut-like shape. So instead of being flat like a normal circle, a torus has a little bit of a bump in the middle and a hole in the middle of that bump.

Now, here's the interesting part. If you were a tiny little ant that lived on the surface of the torus, you could walk around it and eventually end up back where you started without ever crossing over the hole in the middle.

This is because a torus is what mathematicians call a "closed surface," which means it loops back on itself. So if you keep walking in one direction, you'll eventually end up back where you started.

This might sound weird, but it's actually really important in math and science because it helps us understand things like the shape of the universe and the way particles behave. Plus, toruses are pretty cool to look at, so next time you see a donut, remember that it's actually a torus in disguise!