ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tourist tax

Hey kiddo, have you ever gone on a trip with your parents? You must have seen some really fancy hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions, right? Well, you know what, all these places come with a special tax that is paid by tourists like us called the tourist tax.

Let's say, we go on a family vacation to a different city or country. The government of that place charges us an extra fee on top of the price of the hotel room, food, and tickets for attractions that we visit. This fee is called the tourist tax.

Now, you might be wondering why do they charge us extra money? It's because the government uses that money to keep the city clean and safe, maintain the tourist attractions and develop new ones, and make sure tourists have a great time while they are there.

So, when we pay the tourist tax, we help the government take care of the city and make our experience better. It's like we are giving a little extra love to the place we are visiting.

However, not all places charge a tourist tax, and it varies from one city/country to another. So, always check with your parents or the hotel staff to know if they charge one, and how much it is.