ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a really bad sickness that can happen to your body when certain germs called bacteria grow too much and release a dangerous chemical. These bacteria can enter your body through cuts, scratches, or even inside of you like during menstruation.

TSS makes your body very sick and can lead to things like fever, feeling really weak, and a rash that looks like a sunburn. TSS can also affect other parts of your body like your kidneys or liver which are organs that help get rid of waste and make sure your body stays healthy.

Doctors can treat TSS, but it's super important to catch it early. If you notice any of these symptoms, go to the doctors as soon as you can. It's important to take care of yourself and wash your hands, clean any cuts or scrapes, and use the right tampons or pads to avoid getting TSS.