ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Train Jam

Okay kiddo, have you ever been on a train ride before? It's like a big car that runs on tracks and takes you from one place to another. Now imagine that you and a bunch of other people who love making games get on a train and ride it for a really long time - maybe a whole day or even longer!

During the train ride, you all work together to make a video game - like an app on your phone or a computer game. You come up with ideas, draw pictures, write code, and test out the game to see how it works.

But why are you doing this on a train? Well, it's like a fun challenge! You only have a limited amount of time (the length of the train ride) to make a whole game. Plus, you get to meet new people who like the same things you do and see some cool sights out the window as you zip by.

At the end of the train ride, you all show off the games you made to each other and to the people who run the train jam. It's like a big party where you get to celebrate all the hard work you did together. And who knows - maybe your game will become the next big hit!