ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Train horn

Okay kiddo, so you know how trains are really big and heavy, right? With all that size and weight, they need to use something really loud to warn people and animals that they're coming - and that's why they use a special kind of horn called a train horn!

Train horns are much louder than car horns or bike bells, so they can be heard from really far away. They also make a very distinct sound - a long, loud blast that goes "HOOONNNNK!"

But did you know that train horns aren't just for warning people? They can also be used to signal different things to the train engineer. For example, two short blasts on the horn might mean "stop" or "slow down," while one long blast could mean "start moving" or "clear the tracks."

So the next time you hear a train horn, remember that it's not just a loud noise - it's a really important way for the train to communicate with everyone around it!
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