ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transanal irrigation

Have you ever heard of taking a bath to get clean? Well, sometimes our bodies need a different kind of bath, but it's not in the bathtub. It's in the bathroom!

Transanal irrigation (TAI) is a way for people who have problems with going to the bathroom normally. Sometimes people's bodies can't push the poop out all by itself. Or, the poop can come out too quickly and make a big mess. TAI is a way to help these people go to the bathroom in a way that works better for their bodies.

Here's how it works:

1. First, a person fills up a special bag with warm water. This bag has a tube on the end, kind of like a drinking straw.
2. Then, the person lies down on their side on a special mat in the bathroom. They put the tube into their butt and let the water slowly flow in.
3. The water fills up the lower part of the bowel where the poop is stored.
4. After a few minutes, the person squeezes the muscles in their butt to push the water and the poop out.
5. They keep doing this until all the poop is out.
6. Finally, the person cleans themselves up just like they would after going to the bathroom normally.

TAI is a way to help people feel more comfortable and confident about going to the bathroom. It may sound complex, but it can be an easy way to help people feel better about their bowel movements.