ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transcription coregulator

So, you know how when you want to make something to eat, you need to follow a recipe? And the recipe tells you what ingredients you need and how to cook them to make the yummy food?

Well, our cells in our body also have recipes that tell them how to make things like proteins. These recipes are called genes. And just like a recipe needs to be followed carefully to make the food right, cells need to follow the gene recipe exactly to make the protein right.

Transcription coregulators are like the kitchen helpers who help make sure the recipe is being followed correctly. They work alongside the cells to make sure the gene is being read and used correctly. They make sure that the right parts of the gene are being used at the right times and in the right amounts.

If the transcription coregulator isn't working properly, the gene might not be read correctly and the protein might not be made the right way. This can cause problems in the body, like diseases or other issues.

So, transcription coregulators are like the kitchen helpers that help the cells follow the gene recipe and make proteins correctly!