ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transgender clinic

A transgender clinic is a special kind of hospital where people who feel like they were born the wrong gender can go to get help. You know how sometimes boys like to wear dresses and girls like to wear pants? Well, sometimes people feel like they are a boy inside when they were born as a girl, or they feel like they are a girl inside when they were born as a boy. This can make them very sad and uncomfortable.

So, at a transgender clinic, doctors and therapists can help these people feel more comfortable in their own bodies. Sometimes they might give them medicine that will change their body to look more like the gender they feel inside. They might also help them learn how to dress, talk, and act like a different gender.

It's important to remember that transgender people are just like everyone else, and they should be treated with kindness and respect. Going to a transgender clinic can help them feel more like themselves and be happy in their own skin.