ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transport in Tibet

Imagine you're playing a game of "Follow the Leader" with your friends, but instead of following someone around your backyard, you're trying to move around in a place called Tibet. Tibet is a really big area in Asia with lots of mountains and high altitude. This means that it's really hard to breathe and move around quickly because there's less air up in the mountains.

So, how do you play Follow the Leader in Tibet? Well, you need to use special ways to move around. One way is by walking or riding on a Yak. A Yak is a big, hairy animal that lives in the mountains. These animals are really strong and can carry lots of people or supplies. People in Tibet have been using Yaks for a really long time to help them move around.

Another way to move around in Tibet is by using a special kind of road called a "highway." These highways are really long and usually go through the mountains. But they're not like the paved roads you see in your neighborhood. Instead, they're made out of dirt, rocks, and gravel. Some parts of these highways can be really challenging to drive on, especially if there's lots of snow or ice.

Sometimes, people in Tibet also use a special kind of vehicle called a "four-wheel drive." This is a really strong car that has big wheels and can go on rough terrain like the highways we talked about earlier. These cars are really important for carrying people or supplies to different parts of Tibet because they can go places that Yaks can't.

Finally, there are also some airports in Tibet where planes can land. But these airports are really high up in the mountains, so it's really important for pilots to know how to fly in this kind of terrain. Despite these challenges, airplanes are a really fast and efficient way to get around Tibet compared to other options.

So there you have it - in Tibet, people use different kinds of transportation like Yaks, highways, four-wheel drives, and even planes to get around. Each method has its own challenges, but people in Tibet have been using them for a very long time to help them move around this beautiful and unique place.