ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trevor Hill (producer)

Okay little one, so you know how sometimes people make songs or videos and we watch them on our phones or TV? Well Trevor Hill is someone who helps make those things! He's like a builder or a chef, but instead of building houses or cooking food, he makes songs and videos.

Trevor Hill is what we call a "producer." That means he is in charge of putting together all the different parts of a song or video to make it sound or look really good. It's kind of like when we mix different colors together to make a new color, but with music and videos instead.

For music, Trevor Hill helps the singer or rapper choose what kind of beat they want to use and how fast or slow the rhythm should be. He also helps pick the different instruments that will be used and makes sure they all sound good together. He helps the singer or rapper figure out what they want to say in their lyrics and makes sure they fit in with the beat and rhythm.

For videos, Trevor Hill helps decide what kind of shots to use, like wide shots or close ups. He helps pick the locations where the video will be filmed and what kind of lighting to use. He works with the director to make sure everything looks good on camera and that the video tells a good story.

So, in short, Trevor Hill is like a helper that makes songs and videos really cool and fun to listen to or watch!