ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trojan Room coffee pot

A long time ago, in a room full of very smart people at a special place called a university, there was a coffee machine that made yummy coffee. But, the people who worked in that room were very busy and didn't want to waste time checking if there was any coffee left before taking a walk to the machine. So, some really smart people created a special camera that could take pictures of the coffee machine and show them on a computer screen. This camera allowed everyone in the room to check if there was any coffee left in the machine from the comfort of their own computer without having to physically go all the way to the machine. This special camera became really famous and people all over the world started to tune in to see if there was any coffee left in the machine. The coffee machine was called the Trojan Room Coffee Pot and it became very popular, even though it was just a simple coffee machine. The end.