ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tropaeum Traiani

Okay kiddo, there's this thing called tropaeum traiani that was made by some important people a really long time ago. It's a big tower that's supposed to show how tough and powerful the Roman Empire was back then.

The tower is located in a place called Adamclisi, which is in Romania. It's kind of like a statue, but instead of being made of metal or stone, it's made out of lots of big rocks that are stacked on top of each other. It's really tall, too – over 100 feet!

On the tower, there are lots of pictures or "reliefs" that show different battles and victories that the Romans had. There are pictures of soldiers fighting, horses, even monsters! And at the very top of the tower, there's a giant statue of a guy who's supposed to be the emperor Trajan. He's like the boss of all the Roman people at the time.

So, why did the Romans build this tower? Well, they wanted to show everyone that they were really strong and powerful. They wanted to make sure that their enemies knew not to mess with them. And it worked – people were really impressed by the tower! It's still standing today, even though it's been hundreds and hundreds of years since it was built. And lots of people still come to see it and learn more about the Romans.