ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trophic coherence

Trophic coherence is the way that animals at the top of the food chain fit together with animals at the bottom of the food chain. It's like a big puzzle.

At the bottom of the food chain are plants, which create their own food out of sunlight. Further up the food chain are animals that eat the plants, then animals that eat those animals, and so on. Every animal in the chain needs to fit together in order for the entire ecosystem to function properly.

Trophic coherence is important because if one part of the food chain is missing, the whole system could break down. For example, if animals that eat plants are taken out of the picture, the plants won't be eaten and will take over the environment. This could mean bad things for other animals who depend on the plants being kept in check.

In conclusion, trophic coherence is what keeps the balance in nature by making sure that all the animals fit together in the food chain like pieces of a puzzle. It's important for keeping the environment healthy and safe.