Hello there! So, you know how plants move towards the sun? That's called tropism.
Now, there are different types of tropism. Let's start with phototropism, which is when plants grow towards the light. This is because the plant needs light to make food through a process called photosynthesis. So, if a plant isn't getting enough light from one direction, it will start to grow towards the light source.
Another type of tropism is geotropism, and this one is all about gravity. Gravity is what keeps us on the ground, right? Well, it also affects plants. If you've ever seen a plant growing sideways or crooked, that's because of geotropism. Plants want to grow straight up towards the sky, so if they're growing at an angle, it's because gravity is pulling them down.
There's one more type of tropism we'll talk about today, and that's called thigmotropism. Thigmo-what, you ask? Thig-mo-tro-pism. It's when plants respond to touch or physical contact. For example, if a plant's stem starts to lean or bend, it will grow more cells on the side that's being touched, so it can support the weight.
So, there you have it. Tropism is a big word that just means the way plants move and grow in response to things like light, gravity, and touch. Cool, huh?