ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Truss connector plate

Okay kiddo, have you ever played with building blocks like Legos or Lincoln Logs? Imagine we have a bunch of wooden sticks that we want to build into a structure like a house or a bridge. We need some way to connect them together, right?

That's where a truss connector plate comes in. It's like a special kind of metal plate that we can use to join two wooden sticks together at an angle. The plate has little teeth or spikes on it that stick into the wood and help hold everything together.

So if we want to make a sturdy truss (which is kind of like a triangular framework), we can use these plates to connect all the pieces of wood together. The plates can be screwed or nailed into the wood, holding everything in place and keeping the truss from collapsing under its own weight.

Think of it like building a big wooden puzzle. You have all these pieces that need to fit together just right, and the connector plates are like the glue that holds everything in place. They make our wooden structure strong and stable, so we can use it for things like supporting a roof or holding up a bridge.

And that's pretty much it, little one. Truss connector plates are just metal plates with little teeth on them that help us connect pieces of wood together to make strong structures. Cool, huh?