ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tuition centre

A tuition centre is a special place where you can go to learn more about different subjects like math, science, and English. It's just like going to school, but you get more one-on-one help from a teacher who specializes in that subject.

At a tuition centre, you will join a small group of other students who are also there to learn. You will all sit around a table and the teacher will explain things to you in a way that you can easily understand. They will give you examples and help you with any questions you might have.

Going to a tuition centre can help you do better in school. It can be especially helpful if you're having trouble understanding certain concepts. The teacher at the tuition centre will spend extra time with you and give you more practice so that you can become more confident in your abilities.

Overall, a tuition centre can be a great way to get extra help with your studies. It can make learning more fun and help you get better grades in school.
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