ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Two-dimensional magnetic recording

Okay kiddo, so basically, two-dimensional magnetic recording is how we store information on things like hard drives or memory cards.

Do you know what magnets are? They are special things that can attract or repel other things made of metal. Imagine you have some toy cars with magnets on the bottom - if you hold them over a metal tray, the magnets will stick to it.

Now, if we made really, really tiny magnets and put them on a hard drive, we could use them to remember information. When we want to save something on the hard drive, like a picture or a song, we use a special tool called a write head to change the direction of the tiny magnets in a way that represents the information we are trying to save.

Then, when we want to see that picture or hear that song again, we use a read head to look at the pattern of tiny magnets and figure out what information it represents.

Two-dimensional magnetic recording is a way to make those tiny magnets closer together, so we can fit more of them on a hard drive. It’s kind of like if we made a drawing on a sheet of paper, and then made another drawing right next to it so that they both fit on the same piece of paper.

That’s the basic idea behind two-dimensional magnetic recording in a way that even a 5-year-old can understand. Pretty cool, right? :)