ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Type 72

Type 72 is a special kind of car. It's like a toy car, but much bigger and faster. A type 72 car was made a long time ago by a company called Lotus.

The car is made of metal and has a special engine that helps it go incredibly fast. Think of it like a superhero car. The engine is like the superhero's superpower that helps them do amazing things.

Type 72 cars were made to race against other cars in races called Formula One races. These races are like running races, but it's the cars that are racing instead of people. The type 72 cars were very good at these races and won many times.

Nowadays, people still think type 72 cars are very special and valuable. It's like having a special toy that nobody else has. Some people even collect them and keep them in special garages to look at and show off to other people.