ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Types of road

Well hello there! I would love to explain to you the different types of roads. Roads are the paths on which we drive, walk or cycle to go from one place to another. There are mainly four types of roads:

1. Highways: These are the big roads that connect cities and towns. They are also called expressways or interstates. They usually have more lanes, wider medians, and have higher speed limits that can make cars move fast. They also have exits and entrances that allow people to enter or leave the highway at different points.

2. Main roads: These are the roads that are usually seen in towns and cities. They are also known as arterial roads. They connect residential areas to commercial areas and are usually busy with many different types of vehicles such as cars, buses, and trucks.

3. Secondary Roads: These are the smaller roads that connect towns and villages to main roads. They can be narrow, winding, with sharp turns and steep hills. They usually carry less traffic than main roads and highways.

4. Residential Roads: These are the roads that you might see outside a house. They are usually used by people who live in the houses on the street. These roads are usually not busy and are meant mainly for cars, bikes, and pedestrians to walk safely without much traffic.

So now you know all about the different types of road. Remember, always be safe when on the road and follow the traffic rules!