The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is an organization that protects the borders of the United States of America. They make sure that people and goods that enter the country are safe and legal. Think of it like a big bubble around America - the CBP's job is to make sure that only good things come inside, and no bad things get in.
The CBP officers work at different places like airports, seaports, and land borders. They have a lot of responsibilities, like checking your passport and visa if you're traveling from another country. They also make sure you're not bringing anything dangerous or banned into the country, like weapons or illegal drugs.
At the border, the CBP officers may ask you questions like where you came from, why you're visiting the US, and how long you're going to stay. This is just so they can make sure that everyone coming in knows and follows the country's rules.
CBP officers also keep an eye out for bad people who might want to harm America. So they have tools like cameras and scanners to check everything that comes across the border. They look for things like drugs, weapons, and even people who might be trying to come into the country without permission.
So, the CBP is like a big security guard for the country. They make sure everyone and everything that comes in is safe and legal.